Friday, 28. March 2025

Fitness and slimming holidays

NEW !!! SLAVICA DANCE - Slavic soul and music combined with modernity. Slavica Dance combines elements of folk dance with modern forms of fitness, which means having fun, burning calories and shaping your figure.

Fitness and slimming holidays are an offer for people who care about health, fitness and changing their eating habits while improving their mood and appearance.

This program, based on a wide range of activities and a well-balanced diet, allows you to effectively reduce body weight and improve the figure.

The slimming holidays in the Central Sports Centre in Cetniewo are a work on fitness, muscle strength.

This is the way to a fit, slim body, the Body of an Athlete.

In the package price we offer you:

  1. accommodation in single, double and triple rooms
  2. healthy, balanced diet (1200 kcal; fruit and vegetable diet)
  3. professionally developed training program (5 different classes each day):
  • outdoor activities (Nordic Walking, marching)
  • gym classes
  • fitness classes ( Aerobics, Step, Dance, Pilates, Body Ball, Tabata, Latino, BS, ABT, TBC, Stretching and many others; below descriptions of some of them )
    aqua aerobics
    The program and intensity of exercises is determined by the predisposition and interests of the group.
  1. dry sauna and steam bath, jacuzzi
  2. use of the entire swimming pool complex
  3. There is a possibility to take advantage of the wellness offer, cryochamber, additional fitness classes according to a separate price list:
  • Wellness
  • Cryochamber
  • Fitness classes

Please bring to the camp: swimsuit, swimming cap, sportswear, gym clothes, shoes for outdoor activities, shoes for the pool, raincoat, extra towel.



21.02.-27.03. 01.10.-23.12.


24.12.-20.02. 28.03.-15.06.

01.09 - 30.09





 7 days

14 days

 7 days

14 days

 7 days

14 days

Place in a single room

1 788 zł 

3 636 zł 

1 928 zł

 3 916 zł

2 131 zł 

 4 322 zł 

Place in a double room

1 438 zł 

2 936 zł 

 1 578 zł

 3 216 zł

1 753 zł 

3 566 zł 

Place in a triple room

1 410 zł 

2 880 zł 

 1 508 zł

 3 076zł

1 620 zł 

3 300 zł 

Without accommodation*

  850 zł

1 760 zł

  850 zł

1 760 zł

   850 zł

1 760 zł

*The price of the package without accommodation in OPO only in case of lack of places in the resort.





Parking space fee according to the price list.







There is a possibility to buy weekend holidays and non-standard dates, then the price list is determined accordingly to the length of stay.



Olympic Preparations Centre                                                                      

 phone: Monika Lipska 792-001-955;



When paying the deposit for the stay in the box: Remarks concerning the reservation -

Nordic Walking (walking with sticks) - during Nordic Walking training we engage more than 90% of all body muscles, heart rate increases by about 5 -17 beats per minute

Marching - an active walk in the fresh air at a moderate pace together with general body development exercises. Excellent work, which will allow us to cleanse and activate the body.

Aqua Aerobics - general development classes, aerobics in water, safe for joints and muscles. You do not need to be able to swim to participate in the classes. Even a large number of repetitions in water is safe for the body.

Fitness room - training to strengthen the whole body (bikes, treadmills, BS, ABT, TBC) conducted under the supervision of a qualified instructor who will advise you on how to exercise to improve fitness, strengthen individual muscle parts or get rid of some extra pounds.

Aerobic - choreographic classes. Depending on the level of advancement, choreography consists of
of simple or very complex steps, whose performance improves coordination, motor memory, sense of rhythm, stimulates the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Step - intensive choreographic exercises with the use of steps of varying difficulty level. It is a training modeling the lower body parts such as abdomen, buttocks, thighs. Second part (BS, ABT, TBC).

BS - (Body Shape) - classes in the hall strengthening muscles of the shoulder girdle, spine, abdomen, buttocks and lower limbs with the use of small loads. Body Ball, Easy Ball, Stretching, Callanetics.

ABT - classes shaping the lower muscles (abdomen, thighs, buttocks), improve the appearance and stabilize the figure.

TBC - (Total Body Conditioning) - general development classes in the form of intervals, during which all muscle parts are involved. High intensity classes in which dynamic exercises predominate. The dynamic part of the lesson includes choreography with strengthening.

Pilates - is good regardless of age or health status. The main advantage of the exercises is their incredible effectiveness. Their essence is to stretch, tense and relax muscles. This system is aimed at improving flexibility, strength, balance and awareness of your body.

The secret of Pilates is strong development of the center of our body - the muscles of the abdomen, back and pelvis. The workout will improve balance, stability and conditioning of our body. It is important to breathe correctly, full exhalation allows you to reach the deepest parts of the abdominal muscles. Pilates is a method aimed at creating balance
in the body.

Body Ball - (exercises with a large ball), Easy Ball - (exercises with a small ball) - ball is invading the gyms, will diversify the training of both beginners and more advanced thanks to this training you will firm the thighs, strengthen abdominal muscles and back, and improve the cardiovascular and respiratory system.
and respiratory system.

Callanetics - slimming and firming exercises, strengthening and stretching, aimed at specific parts of the body, basically correct abdomen and buttocks. The result of hard work is a slimmer figure, strengthened back muscles allow you to maintain and shape the correct posture.

Stretching - muscle stretching exercises, mandatory after each training. Improves the range of movement in the joints.
in the joints. Muscles become elastic and strong. Thanks to stretching, we stretch and make muscles more flexible, and we have a relaxing effect.


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